AIK Banka is an independent mid-sized Serbian bank, founded on market principles. Owing to own capital capacities and liquid, solvent and profitabile business operations, during the previous three years, AIK Bank achieved a very high position in Serbian banking system. The Bank has branches in Nis, Belgrade, Novi Sad and Kragaujevac.
Nis | Updated: 2020-10-21 | ID: 1392
API Bank a.d. Belgrade (formerly VTB Banka a.d. Beograd) offers outstanding services to small and medium-sized corporate customers. The Bank serves major Serbian and Russian companies, small and medium sized businesses, individual clients, and is involved in cross-border deals extending loans to Serbian companies.
Belgrade | Updated: 2020-02-01 | ID: 2660
Komercijalna banka a.d. Beograd is one of the largest bank in Serbia. The Bank has a full line of personal banking products and services from checking and savings to loans and online banking.
Beograd | Updated: 2011-04-07 | ID: 1517
Mirabank a.d. is a commercial bank that provides a wide range of banking services to corporate clients. The bank serves major Serbian and UAE companies, small and medium sized businesses, individual clients, and is involved in cross-border deals extending loans to Serbian companies.
Beograd | Updated: 2019-11-24 | ID: 919
The National Bank of Serbia (Narodna banka Srbije, NBS) is the central bank of Serbia. The primary objective of the National Bank of Serbia is to achieve and maintain price stability. Without prejudice to its primary objective, the Bank also contributes to the safeguarding and strengthening of the stability of the financial system.
Beograd | Updated: 2015-03-04 | ID: 1654
Raiffeisen banka a.d. is a memeber of Raiffeisen Bank International AG (Austria), one of the largest banking groups in Central and Eastern Europe, and a part of the RZB Group.
Beograd | Updated: 2024-09-20 | ID: 1681
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