Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) logo

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC, Chinese name: 中国工商银行股份有限公司) is one of the largest banks in the world and the largest bank in China by total assets, total employees and total customers. ICBC provides corporate and personal banking, treasury operations, investment banking, asset management, trust, financial leasing and other financial services.

ICBC establishes strong presence by its commercial banking operation and rapid expansion to markets worldwide. ICBC is also a market leader in the country in many business areas of commercial banking.

Total assets: RMB 27.7 trillion or approx. US$ 4 billion (as of December 31, 2018).
Net profit: RMB 297.68 billion or approx. US$ 44.26 billion (2018).

HQ: Beijing, China
Founded: 1984
ID: 779. Updated: 16.06.2019

  • Press Releases
  • 13.12.2011 ICBC has been named "2011 Excellent SME Service Organization" at the recent "Fifth China Small and Medium Enterprises Festival" held in Chengdu. Read more
  • 04.06.2011 ICBC received a business license granted by the Reserve Bank of India for a branch in Mumbai. Earlier, China Banking Regulatory Commission has approved the Bank to set up its Mumbai Branch. Read more
  • 25.12.2010 ICBC Concludes the World's First Open Direct Trading of RMB Overseas. Read more
  • 30.11.2010 ICBC reports profit after tax of RMB127.8 billion for the first three quarters of 2010. Read more
  • 07.07.2010 ICBC Wins International Accolade for Corporate Governance. Read more
  • Head office: No.55 FuXingMenNei Street
    Xicheng District, Beijing
  • Phone: +86-10-66108608
  • Fax: +86-10-66106139
  • Key people: Yi Huiman (Chairman), Jiang Jianqing (President)
  • Company type: Public (SEHK: 1398, SSE: 601398, OTC Pink: IDCBY)

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