Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB)

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Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) is the central bank of Afghanistan. The Bank regulates all the banking and money handling operations in Afghanistan.

Bank's strategic objectives: develop and implement rational monetary policies to achieve price and exchange rate stability, ensure the thorough and timely supervision of all financial institutions, as defined by the DAB Law, provide for the quality and the profitability of the management of the foreign exchange reserves for the country, develop a nation-wide electronic payments system that serves all provinces of Afghanistan.

HQ: Kabul, Afghanistan
Founded: 1939
ID: 459. Updated: 02.12.2018

  • Head office: Ibne Sina Wat, Kabul
  • Phone: +93 (020)-2104146
  • Fax: n/a
  • Key people: Khalil Sediq (Governor)

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