China Construction Bank (CCB)

China Construction Bank (CCB) logo

China Construction Bank (CCB) is one of the largest banks in the People's Republic of China. It's ranked as the nation's second largest and the second largest bank in the world by market capitalization. The Bank has a total of approximately 310,000 staff, and provides comprehensive financial services to its customers.

CCB maintains overseas branches in Hong Kong, Singapore, Frankfurt, Johannesburg, Tokyo, Seoul, New York, Ho Chi Minh City and Sydney. Bank's subsidiaries: China Construction Bank (Asia)Corporation Limited, China Construction Bank (London) Ltd., China Construction Bank International (Holdings) Ltd., Sino-German Bausparkasse Co. Ltd, China Construction Bank Principal Asset Management Co. Ltd, and China Construction Bank Financial Leasing Corporation Limited.

Total assets: $3.375 trillion (December 31, 2018).
Net profit: $37.2 billion (2018).

HQ: Beijing, China
Founded: 1954
ID: 336. Updated: 06.12.2020

  • Press Releases
  • 28.03.2011 Bank reports full-year 2010 net profit of RMB 135.031 billion (approx. $20.5 billion), representing a growth of 26.39%. Read more
  • Head office: No. 25, Finance Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
  • Phone: 95533 (CCB Customer Service Centre Hotline)
  • Fax: n/a
  • Key people: Wang Hongzhang (Chairman), Zhang Jianguo (President)
  • Company type: Public (SEHK: 0939, SSE: 601939)

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