Following the estimates disclosed by the European Banking Authority (EBA) as regards the recapitalisation needs of Europe's banks, Intesa Sanpaolo announces - at Consob's request - that the Group does not need additional capital.
As at 30 June 2011, the Group had a 10.2% Core Tier 1 ratio. This would decrease to around 10% applying to the risk-weighted assets (RWAs) as at the same date the increase envisaged in the CRD3 provisions, as requested by the EBA exercise. Taking into account the capital buffer computed by EBA against the Group’s sovereign risk exposure as at 30 June 2011 on the basis of market prices at 30 September 2011, the Core Tier 1 ratio would be at around 9.2% - above the minimum level set at 9%.
This is a preliminary and indicative result. It will be updated to take into account the figures as at the end of September 2011 and shall be analysed by banks and Supervisory Authorities.
Intesa Sanpaolo
Date: 28.10.2011
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