Triad Bank

Triad Bank logo

Triad Bank has a full line of personal banking products and services from checking and savings to loans and online banking. The company's primary activities consist of loans for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), deposits in domestic and foreign currencies, including checking accounts, savings accounts, portfolio management, foreign exchanges, and electronic banking services.

Bank Routing Number: #081019162

Member FDIC (each depositor insured to at least USD 250,000).

HQ: Tulsa, USA
Founded: 1983
ID: 1183. Updated: 03.05.2022

  • Head office: 7666 E. 61st Street Suite 150
    Tulsa, OK 74133
  • Phone: (918) 254-1444, (918) 749-1000, 1-800-791-2525
  • Fax: n/a
  • SWIFT: n/a
  • Key people: Jimmy Jones (President and CEO)

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