Saudi National Bank (SNB)

Saudi National Bank (SNB) logo

Saudi National Bank (SNB or SNB AlAhli) is the largest commercial bank in Saudi Arabia. SNB AlAhli offers current, savings, time, and other deposit accounts, home financing, auto leases, currency exchange, money transfer, corporate loans, asset management, share brokerage, initial public offering subscription, and private banking services. The Bank was formerly known as the National Commercial Bank.

Saudi's Public Investment Fund (PIF) owns 37.2% of the Saudi National Bank.

SNB was formed by the merger of the National Commercial Bank (NCB) and Samba Financial Group in April 2021.

Total assets: $243.8 billion (December 31, 2021).
Net profit: $3.4 billion (2021).

HQ: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Founded: 2021
ID: 1202. Updated: 20.12.2022

  • Head office: King Fahd Road 3208 Al Aqeeq District Unit No 778 Riyadh, 13519-6676
  • Phone: (+966) 9 2000 1000
  • Fax: n/a
  • Key people: Saeed Al-Ghamdi (CEO and Managing Director)
  • Company type: Public (Tadawul: 1180)

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