HypoVereinsbank (HVB)

HypoVereinsbank (HVB) logo

HypoVereinsbank AG (HVB or UniCredit Bank AG) is one of the largest banks in Germany. The company was formerly known as Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG. HVB operates in three primary financial services sectors including corporate and investment banking, retail banking, and private banking. Corporate and investment banking accounts for more than three-fourths of its revenue.

HypoVereinsbank is a part of UniCredit Group, one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in Europe.

The HVB banking group employs about 18,500 people and operates more than 770 branches throughout the country. The bank's business focuses on Germany.

HVB Group was formed in 1998 from the merger of Bayerische Vereins-bank A.G. and Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechsel-Bank A.G., which were the two main Bavarian-based regional banks at that time. HypoVereinsbank was acquired by UniCredit in 2008.

HQ: Munich, Germany
Founded: 1998
ID: 1596. Updated: 02.11.2022

  • Head office: Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße 1
    D-80333 München
  • Phone: +49-89-378-0
  • Fax: n/a
  • Key people: Dr. Michael Diederich (CEO)

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