Bank AlJazira (BAJ)

Bank AlJazira (BAJ) logo

Bank AlJazira (BAJ) is one of the leading Shari'ah compliant fast growing financial institutions in Saudi Arabia, client-driven and service-oriented Saudi Financial Group which provides individuals, businesses and institutions with innovative Shari'ah compliant financial services through professional and dedicated staff.

HQ: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Founded: 1975
ID: 1527. Updated: 03.02.2021

  • Head office: Nahda Center, Malik Street, Jeddah 21442
  • Phone: (+966) 2 609 8888
  • Fax: (+966) 2 609 8881
  • Key people: Engr. Tarek Othman AlKasabi (Chairman), Mr. Naif A. Al Abdulkareem (CEO & MD)
  • Company type: Joint Stock Company

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