City National Bank (CNB)

City National Bank (CNB) logo

City National Bank (CNB) is owned by City National Corp. (NYSE: CYN). The company provides banking, investment and trust services through 79 offices, including 16 full-service regional centers, in Southern California, the San Francisco Bay Area, Nevada, New York City, Nashville and Atlanta. Total assets: US$ 24 billion (as of March 31, 2012).

City National Bank provides a wide range of financial products and services including Commercial Banking, Private Client Services, Wealth Management, Preferred Banking, Small Business Banking, Business Trust and Investments, International Banking, Treasury Management Services, Entertainment Industry Services, and Online Services.

Member FDIC (each depositor insured to at least USD 250,000).

HQ: Los Angeles, USA
Founded: 1954
ID: 369. Updated: 14.06.2012

  • Head office: City National Plaza, 555 S. Flower St
    Los Angeles, CA 90071
  • Phone: (310) 888-6000
  • Fax: (310) 858-3334
  • Key people: Russell Goldsmith (CEO)
  • Company type: Public (NYSE: CYN)

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