Caja de Ahorros (CA)

Caja de Ahorros (CA) logo

Caja de Ahorros (Panamanian savings bank) is a government-owned bank. The Bank provides a wide range of banking services to private and corporate clients in the Republic of Panama. Caja de Ahorros is a leading player in the domestic savings account market.

As of March 2016, the Bank had a network of 50 branches and about 130 ATMs.

HQ: Panama City, Panama
Founded: 1934
ID: 272. Updated: 08.05.2017

  • Head office: Vía España, Ave. Manuel Espinosa Batista, Panama City
  • Phone: 507-508-1900, 507-508-1000
  • Fax: 507 508 1989
  • Key people: n/a

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