Butterfield Bank (Cayman)

Butterfield Bank (Cayman) logo

Butterfield Bank (Cayman) Limited offers a full range of community banking services in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands, encompassing retail, corporate banking and treasury activities.

Private banking, wealth management and fiduciary services are provided from the Group's headquarters in Bermuda and subsidiary offices in the Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Switzerland, The Bahamas and the United Kingdom.

HQ: George Town, Cayman Islands
Founded: 1967
ID: 2481. Updated: 14.09.2018

  • Head office: Butterfield Place, 12 Albert Panton Street, P.O. Box 705
    Grand Cayman KY1-1107
  • Phone: (345) 949 7055
  • Fax: (345) 949 7004
  • Key people: Michael McWatt (Managing Director)


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