Arab Islamic Bank (AIB)

Arab Islamic Bank (AIB) logo

The Arab Islamic Bank (AIB) was incorporated as a Palestinian public shareholding company in Jericho Palestine on jan 8, 1995 under commercial registration Number 563201011.

The Bank operates from its head office in El-Bireh and has 7 branches and one office operating in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and covering the main cities of Palestine (HQ in Ramallah Al-Bireh, Nablus, Al-Khalil, Jenin, Toulkarem, Gaza, and Khanyounis).

HQ: AL-Bireh, Palestine
Founded: 1995
ID: 1399. Updated: 03.02.2023

  • Head office: P.O Box 631, AL-Bireh - Ramallah
  • Phone: 02-2407060
  • Fax: n/a
  • Key people: Rushdi Mahmoud Rashid Al-Ghalayini (Chairman)

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