Addiko Bank

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Addiko Bank AG (formerly Hypo Group Alpe Adria AG) is an international financial Group headquartered in Vienna, operating a network of banks in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro efficiently providing clear and direct quality services for over 1.3 million clients. Addiko Bank is the only financial Group exclusively oriented on markets and clients in the SEE region.

Bank Sort Code: 52300
Company Number: 350921k
MFI ID: AT0000100509734

Total assets: EUR 1,535 million (as of December 31, 2017).

HQ: Wien, Austria
Founded: 2014
ID: 2356. Updated: 13.07.2019

  • Head office: Wipplingerstrasse 34 / 4OG
    Wien, 1010
  • Phone: 43 50232 0
  • Fax: 43 50232 72 3000
  • Key people: Mr. Ulrich Kissing (CEO)


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