ABC Banking Corporation (Mauritius)

ABC Banking Corporation (Mauritius) logo

ABC Banking Corporation Ltd. is a commercial bank that provides a wide range of banking services to private and corporate clients in Mauritius and internationally.

The Company provides a wide range of financial products and services including savings and current accounts, term deposits, call deposits, and short term fixed and floating deposits, home and educational loans, personal loans, over drafts, and multi-currency line of credit, debit cards, vehicle leasing, corporate leasing, trade finance, wire transfer and payments, money market, payroll, investment and cash management.

HQ: Port Louis, Mauritius
Founded: 1997
ID: 2471. Updated: 19.08.2018

  • Head office: Weal House, Duke of Edinburgh Avenue
    Place dArmes, Port Louis, 11328
  • Phone: 230 206 8000
  • Fax: 230 208 0088
  • Key people: Donald Ah-Chuen (Managing director)


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